Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Begin In Me

The Leadership Team (basically the name we give our church board) at church has been working from a new perspective this past year called "Begin In Me".  We came up with this idea at our previous retreat where we really wanted to commit ourselves to spearheading initiatives that are going on at church.  This is something I can really get excited about supporting because it is something that makes complete sense to me.

It speaks to a mindset that is not going to wait for someone else to start something.  It is an internal perspective instead of an external one.  Point the finger at yourself.

How can we reach out to our community?  Begin in me...

How do we encourage our churches to get into the Word?  Begin in me...

How can we improve the perception unbelievers have of Christians?  Begin in me...

How do we get people to renew their commitment and dedication to God?  Begin in me...

How can we be Christians without making it personal?  It discourages me when I look at the church and see our young adults not attending congregational meetings, not tithing, not involved in ministry.  Is this your religion or your parents'?  You want to make it real?  Begin in me.  It discourages me when I see our "half-time" Children's Minster (who works at least 40 hours a week) struggling to find volunteers.  You want a children's program for your kids when you are at church?  Begin in me.  One thing which is extremely encouraging at our church is that our finances have been strong for at least the past 10 years.  Wow, that is a real indication of our church members putting their money where their beliefs are.  Many of the church leaders I have heard from though are not in the same ballpark (not even playing in the same league) as our church so it begs the question - why aren't you financially supporting your church?  Begin in me.

**Aside: Many of you are wondering - did Jon just use a sports metaphor?  Does Jon even know what a ballpark and a league are?  Yes, I have heard people talk about sports before you know!**

As a LIFE group we are reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  Now this book really stresses a Begin In Me attitude.  I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to make their faith personal.  Part of Francis' message is that we can't do this thing part way.  God calls us to be wholly devoted to Him.  Guess how that starts.  With you/me.  Sunday morning is not enough.  Francis' message goes as far as to say an hour a day is not enough.  5 hours a day is not enough.  Well sheesh!  That sounds impossible!  All day is just barely enough.  Just barely.  If you can give more than all day you should.  All day is the bare minimum.  23.5 hours a day is not enough.  How on earth can we do that?  We ask Christ to Begin In Me.

Sounds like I've got it all figured out hey?  I have a post called "I'm not that bright...don't tell anyone..."  Give that a read and it should clear up any misconceptions you have.  What I do know is this: there is no telling what God could do through us if we were completely dedicated to Him.  Spend 5 minutes on this thought: What could an omnipotent, omniscient God do through a man or woman who was totally dedicated to Him?  I mean fully committed, tapped into the Spirit, not distracted by the world.  Remember, don't put limits on God when you think about this (He has no limits, remember?).  When I think of that I come up with a bunch of words to describe my thoughts:
  • inspired - it is kind of exciting to think of what God could do through me
  • reluctant - what things am I currently spending my time on that I would need to give up to get to this place?
  • awe
It begins with you and me.  Don't wait for someone else to do it.  We can't sustain this type of thing on our own.  Ask God to Begin In You.  I'll do the same.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Then Shall Live

This song was inspired by Francis Schaeffer's book How Should We Then Live.

"I Then Shall Live" by the Gaither Vocal Band with Signature Sound:

I then shall live as one who's been forgiven,
I'll walk with joy to know my debts are paid,
I know my name is clear before my father,
I am His child and I am not afraid.
So greatly pardoned I'll forgive my brother,
The law of love I gladly will obey.

I then shall live as one who's learned compassion,
I've been so loved that I'll risk loving too,
I know how fear builds walls instead of bridges,
I'll dare to see another's point of view.
And when relationships demand commitment,
Then I'll be there to care and follow through.
Your kingdom come around and through and in me,
Your power and glory, let them shine through me.
Your Hallowed name, O may I bear with honour,
And may Your living Kingdom come in me.
The bread of life, O may I share with honour,
And may You feed a hungry world through me.