Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I give you everything I've got:

My house,
My car,
My children,
My pride,
My reputation,
My time,
My comfort
My job,
My body,
My wife,
My health,
My safety,
Even all my failures.

It is all yours now.

Every praise, every word of worship, is to my God. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Eulogy to the Incandescent Lightbulb

Before I start the eulogy, let me say this:  Government, you suck for doing this to us.  You’re always wanting to step in and control what we can and can’t do.  Why on earth did you pick on lightbulbs?  If you want to take away our choice in matters of energy efficiency then why not ban Hummers?  Or outlaw single pane windows?  Maybe put the kaibosh on hot-tubs and sports cars.  You randomly chose lightbulbs to be your battleground.  You trenched in and decided this was the issue you were going to die over.  This is ridiculous. 

Oh, one more thing before the eulogy, LED lightbulb manufacturers, you also suck.  Don’t try to tell me you’re not raping us all and getting the government to enforce it.  It is like winter tires – thankfully that is not enforced here in Saskatchewan.  I have nothing against winter tires.  I do have something against a government enforcing the use of winter tires.  I have nothing against LED lightbulbs – I think they’re great.  I also think they cost at least double what they should.  And I do have something agaist the government enforcing the use of LED bulbs (lets face it, CCFL’s suck, what other option do we have now?).

Now for the eulogy:

Incandescent lightbulbs, you sucked, but you were cheap and you represented choice.  For those reasons I will miss you.