I just
received my first Employment Equity Program questionnaire at work. Apparently since we are doing work for the
Federal Government we MAY be subject to the requirements set out under the
Federal Contractors Program. I can
hardly explain how furious this makes me.
It is discrimination!
Am I a
woman – Nope
Am I an
Aboriginal person – Nope
Do I have a
disability – Nope
Am I a
visible minority – Nope
So, what
this means is that if a decision ever has to be made between me and one of the
people who can answer Yes to one of the four questions above (all other things
being equal) I don’t get the job/promotion/raise/etc. And, heaven forbid we are far behind our
quota in any of the four categories, because then even if all other things are
not equal I still won’t get the job.
Do we want
to do work for the Federal Government?
Then we’ve got a quota to fill.
…I am just
shaking at work right now this makes me so mad.