I am fairly certain God has placed me into my current
workplace to teach me humility. I am learning this on two levels:
Firstly, I can see how far I am from where I used to be I am
often forced to tell myself that I will be ok. I often feel like I have fallen
so far. I have been forced to determine my worth outside of my occupation. It
is not about status. Those who think it is are going to have a rude awakening
(Matthew 20:16). This is such an easy rut to get snared in.
Secondly, I am reminded on almost a weekly basis what
humility does not look like. I work in an environment where the professionals
around me are young, they don’t have much experience, but they have come to own
the company and they are extremely arrogant about this. I believe life is going
to teach these individuals much yet.
It also has much to teach me yet as I peel back layers of
myself to find new depths of human weakness. We are here to serve each other –
not to be served. We are here to love each other and have compassion as Christ
demonstrated for us. I do pray for my superiors in this office (which includes
almost everyone) that they can see this too before it is too late.